Friday, 22 April 2011

When in Rome ... evidence!

Now it seems I can add photos  ...  and I'm not going to work out why it wouldn't work at 1:15am this morning, so here are some ...

Saw this chair but it was too early for the shop to be open, otherwise it would have been interesting to go in and actually sit in it to see if it was as comfortable as it looked

some of the latest fashion  ...  I won't spoil the surprise and add photos of the fashion items we've bought because there'd be no reason to be invited over for that coffee then would there?

The far dom is the Vatican - this was taken from the balcony of the church above the Spanish Steps early in the morning

The Trevi Fountain after it was 'switched on'

I couldn't resist this photo

A lamp post, without the post but with the light ...

just one of the many scenes like this - I love these back alleys/lanes/roads whatever - I'd have a ball being dropped off anywhere in Rome and just wandering around following my nose, and then at the end of the day working out where I am so I'd be able to work out how to get home!

no caption needed for this one!

I saw this as we exited from the Colisseum

yep, when in Rome!  This is Leanne and I hard at work in Rome

lunch back at our apartment

after buying shoes yesterday we HAD TO have lunch at the Cafe.  We were lured into the cafe because of the wonderful array of cakes at first, then we looked at the gelatos and thought we'd buy a gelato to have while we walked back home  ...  and on the way to the till to pay for the gelato we got sidetracked by the lovely lunch meals on display. 

The system here is that you go into a cafe like this, decide what you are going to have, get a docket for it and then go to the till to pay for it.  You take this receipt back to the section of whatever you're having and then you get the meal/gelato/whatever

and to bring you back to earth after looking at the sweet section, I dubbed this 'Madona's brocoli' - Pat bought some and Mimo cooked this as part of our Good Friday feast at their place last night

1 comment:

  1. Taking pics on the Nuns is OK, BUT can't you find any nice looking Italian Men!
